Edward “Andy” Anderson, LPC

My wife was at the office a while back doing some of the invaluable things she does for HPT, and asked me after a session, “what were you doing in there, all I heard was a bunch of laughter!” As I thought about the session, my impression was that we had done some good, deep work. That moment captures what I have thought about therapy for a long time: it can be fun, funny, uplifting, AND effective at helping you make the changes you want to make. Yes, of course, there is some heaviness and tears, but good therapy strikes a balance between light and heavy. I aim for that balance and hit it regularly.

I see the process of therapy as a choice you are making to change something, maybe everything, about your life. Our sessions are a part of that process, but not the only part. Through the weeks or months that we work together, you are taking what we do in sessions out into the world. You enact the changes, experience the results and we work some more. Eventually, you get to a place where you’re either ready to take from here, or you find a maintenance cadence that helps you stay on your path. I’ve helped hundreds of people over the years in individual, couples, and group formats; there is no one way this goes to tell you in a blurb for a few sentences. But I can just about guarantee there will be laughter, tears, and change.

Edward “Andy” Anderson, LPC

My wife was at the office a while back doing some of the invaluable things she does for HPT, and asked me after a session, “what were you doing in there, all I heard was a bunch of laughter!” As I thought about the session, my impression was that we had done some good, deep work. That moment captures what I have thought about therapy for a long time: it can be fun, funny, uplifting, AND effective at helping you make the changes you want to make. Yes, of course, there is some heaviness and tears, but good therapy strikes a balance between light and heavy. I aim for that balance and hit it regularly.

I see the process of therapy as a choice you are making to change something, maybe everything, about your life. Our sessions are a part of that process, but not the only part. Through the weeks or months that we work together, you are taking what we do in sessions out into the world. You enact the changes, experience the results and we work some more. Eventually, you get to a place where you’re either ready to take from here, or you find a maintenance cadence that helps you stay on your path. I’ve helped hundreds of people over the years in individual, couples, and group formats; there is no one way this goes to tell you in a blurb for a few sentences. But I can just about guarantee there will be laughter, tears, and change.